What is a Web App? For a long time, Web Pages and Web servers existed largely to provide the static contents. Just like Wikipedia that produces numerous information regarding everything. So, for a long period webpage used to be static. There used to be a fixed pattern of interacting. Where the users were able to read content that is it. There were no other functions.
Then after a few years, a web server started to do some work to dynamically generate the documents. And finally, the web App was introduced which was an evolution. Web App is what is running in the browser is entirely an application that has written in JavaScript.
We all understand our internet users are increasing day by day. That is why Big Business have changed their thought process the way they used to think before. So, they have shifted their traditional websites to grid models and cloud models. Our new age web app has made all the businesses efficient and made the operation smoother.
These online web apps like mails, google sheets, google drives, words & other popular programs are far better and more dynamic than the desktop version. What we were used to seeing, moreover they have multiple advantages than traditional websites. In one word with the growth of technology and coding, our way of doing a task is also changing.
Web Applications are the combination of two sides one the server-side and the second one is the client-side. The programming languages that are used for server-side are PHP & ASP and for the client-side scripts that are used are HTML & JavaScript.
These ways of programming make any company website more adaptable, a dynamic that allows interacting with the business customers easily. Nowadays with the use of web apps customers can make payments online, they can store files on servers easily. It is useful while working, helpful for the students, for people. It has opened a new door for every people’s life.
Those who have a Spotify subscription must know how stable the app is. I am sure most of the people have downloaded the Spotify app on their Android or iOS phone. But have you ever used Spotify or Netflix or maybe Amazon Prime from the desktop? I know that we all are comfortable with the mobile version. We do not open these business sites nowadays from the desktop browser.
But I should say those who have not seen it should open it once because you will be shocked to see that web apps are as functional as mobile apps. It is fast, responsive, can store huge data and still can perform just like mobile apps. It has got all the latest features in it. Has anyone ever thought that one-day websites will look like this?
The best part of it is it reduces the costs, can run on multiple platforms, there are no space limitations, it is so compatible that anyone can use it any time and the same version, there is no hassle of updating the app. I hope you all have understood our today’s topic. In our next article, you will know about the other two types of apps that are exceedingly popular nowadays are Native Apps & Hybrid apps. Other than the web app these two apps are also important for every business that is planning to build an app.
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